torstai 30. joulukuuta 2010

About my worldview

A totally foggy place in my head is also how i see this world. Slowly I´ve been more and more irritaded about my undistinguished aspects in everyday questions. Now, slowly, I try to map my opinions about different issues and whole philosophy. 

I´m not very religious person but there is a little feeling something big is out there. I´ve read about different religions, but don´t feel any of them my own. Everyone have the right to believe in any way they want, but (I´m not sure if God is the right word) I think that in the end they all believe in the same ´God´, same force. It has many names - Krishna, Lord, Jahve, whatever - they´re all the same. But if I think this way, why am I part of institution whose opinions I don´t support? I don´t have any excuses for that. I have to do something about it.

But, now forward. My philosophy. My aspect to life.

Objectives. To be happy in every aspect of life. I don´t need lots of money or high education, I want to feel that I have the people around me who are close to me. And I want to have enough time for them. My objective is also to reduce my materialism. I want to learn to live with less stuff, yet still balanced. These are my targets. 

Meaning of life. Why people are living? What is their target, why the whole world exists? To this issue, I have a very scientific approach. Evolution has modified us the way we are now, I can´t say what will we become in the future, but now we are here to take care of our planet. Or should. Everyone knows it´s not working out so well. 

About politics. I haven´t taken a position on political issues cos I feel I have nothing to say. I have to educate myself at least to know where I´m standing. But I would say that I´m impartial.

And again, my head feels more clear. 

About future

I´ve noticed that my blog has changed a bit from everyday small talk to a little more meaningful level. At least for a while now. Usually, when I´ve tried to think what I want from my life, it feels like my head is exploding right away. Many options, but no courage to find out what I really want. At some level I´d like to go and study more, but on the other hand then I had to move away and that feels hard cos my other half is working here.  I try to think places I could work without getting another profession, but I can´t imagine any. And that was usually. Now I feel more confident in what I will do in near future. I´m quite sure I´m gonna apply fo study in Oulu, which is a busdrive away from where I´m living. That´s not so far and still I would have my life here, waiting for me to get home from school. That doesn´t feel so bad idea. 

Big things, but life important to clear them out finally. And my head is a bit calmer.

keskiviikko 29. joulukuuta 2010

Former home

Talking about homes, I have missed my former home. The feeling has come in small pulses, flashing through my head. I miss the moments I had when I was watching my favourite program´s all seasons from DVD, the smell affiliated to the moment, the things I ate there and so on. On the other hand, I hated when my neighbour sneezed and I heard it like she was standing in front of me but somehow my mind has created the nostalgy to the memories I have from the place. Just look at it.

Can you sense the thing I miss? The place was in quite bad shape but somehow it was so full of me. Here, where I´m now living, there are so many colours, plenty of stuff around me.. I miss white walls, I need calm and simple base where I can control the colours around me.

And I moved out only three months ago.

Where I want to live when I grow up?

We would want to settle down in some place which is our own place, where we can paint the wall green if wanted or grow tomatoes by the door. Options have been between buying a house  or building it. But all this is just imagining because I have a part time job. But, when it all settles down and we have an opportunity to buy our own home, I have been dreaming on buying my childhood home from my father and live there. The neighbourhood is lovely, the plot is quite big and, well, I have lived there when I was a child. The house would need a big renovation but that is my dream and it is so hard to find out your dreams sometimes and when they come suddenly out like this there are no place for excuses.

And, by the way, take a look at this.

All the countries, I want to have a visit!

Travel fever surprised me yesterday. It came suddenly, without any warning and now I have this lump in my stomach all the time and my head is full of beautiful landscapes and sunsets and architecture and ...... Ohhhh. I have to get somewhere, soon. (But it its nice to know that I have an opportunity going to Italy next summer!)

A little reason for my traveling fever might be the paperback I´ve read now in my sick days - Eat pray love, which is much better than I thought. Although the cover of the book is full of Julia Roberts´s face (...), I wanted to read something easygoing and nice. And now I´m happy I chose this one. Liz, the main character in the book, is finding herself  abroad and somehow along the story I get to know the places she´s going because of all the facts she shares with the reader. For example, I didn´t know before that Napoli (or Naples) is the hometown of pizzas and ice cream. Well, that was quite bad and self-evident example but still, I´m exited!

But anyway, my point is, that before I go to Italy, it would be more than nice to visit somewhere maybe for a weekend, maybe for a week. Spring is coming and I start my plans now ( and start talking to my friends I love to travel with - it would be great going together!)

(The pictures in this post are from my childhood home where my dad still lives, the place I love and will tell you more about my visions later..)

tiistai 21. joulukuuta 2010

Three nights to Christmas

I´m so excited about Christmas! I still haven´t done all the presents but on Thursday I will give the rest of them. Waiting for very peaceful and slow Christmas weekend, trying to take it easy. 

I have noticed that I have followers from the USA. It would be nice to hear your stories. Please leave a comment to tell.

maanantai 20. joulukuuta 2010

About crocheting

Made these kind of funny looking mittens by crocheting. It was fast but, well, you can see they doesn´t really fit. But somehow these are so beautiful. Makes your hands look almost like fairyhands.

torstai 16. joulukuuta 2010

Slow days

Light is here with us only for four hours now, but at then is nice to drink some tea, watch the almost controlled chaos around you and then go out shooting. That´s my idea of the perfect day off.